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Masala Chah (Indian Tea) (przepis w j.angielskim)

Dodano: 2000-01-01 00:00:00
Język: English/Angielski
Odwiedzono: 1806 razy.

3 1/2 cups Water
3" Piece Cinnamon, Broken-up
8 Cardamom Pods, Crushed
3 Whole Cloves
1/2 By 3 Inch Strip of Orange Peel
2 Heaping teaspoons Leaf Tea, or 3 Bags Orange Pekoe or Darjeeling Pour water into an 8 cup glass measure. Heat uncovered, in a microwave until water comes to a boil. Add all ingredients. Cook uncovered for 2 minutes, or until color of tea comes out. Remove from oven and pour into a warmed teapot. Serve tea strained into cups and pass milk and sweetener as desired.
From: Robert Wierzbicki <delta@ikp.ikp.pl>
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